✦ Partnership Brokers Training Course, Planned for 2025✦
Join the latest Partnership Brokers Association Training Program – being offered in Calgary as a hybrid online and in person course in 2025. This course will include new and update materials making it more relevant and timely than ever! As certified Partnership Brokers Trainers, we are committed to enhancing your capacity to partner effectively and helping you to build next-level partnerships.
The challenges and opportunities we face are increasingly complex, interrelated and unpredictable. The need for partnerships and working collaboratively has never been greater. Communities, non-profits, government agencies, academic, and business, know that partnering is essential to achieving enduring results. Yet partnering is easier said than done. Those who enable partnerships are key to partnering success. This course is for you!
This unique and highly sought-after global training provides those working in partnerships with in-depth development on how to partner effectively.
The course can be used in two ways
Individual/team professional development: For the individual/team you will be part of a diverse group from business, government, philanthropy, academic, community and voluntary sectors.The group will be limited to 20 participants with two facilitators in order to maximize potential for exchange and personal attention.
Real-time partnership building: This real-time partnership building course can be customized to your partnership dynamic. Partners from the various stakeholders attend together, building a common language and framework while developing strategies for the design, management and review of their partnership. To register interest email: admin@jsdaw.com
Benefits for participants. You’ll leave with:
Tools, techniques and skills for brokering and guiding partnerships that get results
Enhanced confidence and competence as partnership practitioners
A framework and knowledge for robust, efficient and innovative partnerships
Knowing common principles, barriers and enablers of partnerships
Ways to overcome common partnership challenges (both for those working internally and independently)
Personal and professional insights into roles, skills and competencies needed in successful collaborations
Membership in the global professional association of partnership brokers offering support, research, networks and further development opportunities.
Training Program Structure
The course includes 4 x 2-hour online interactive webinars and 3-days in-person training. We also offer additional 1:1 coaching sessions to support ongoing learning and application.
Online learning sessions: We will explore key partnering frameworks and how these apply in your partnerships.In-person practice sessions: Learning will become more experiential as we explore partnership building with a focus on building key mindsets and skillsets. The course will be held in Calgary, venue to be finalized.
Approach: We use a variety of different methods & tools both for learning purposes and to expose you to different elements you may consider using in your own partnering practice.
Optional coaching sessions: We offer coaching sessions to compliment your learning and support you to apply it in your context. Dates to be agreed with the participant.
Who Benefits: This course is for participants who are actively working on the development and management of partnerships, and is not an introductory course. Participants will have experience working to build effective and innovative collaborations with two or more partners. Past graduates come from non-profit, business, government, and academic organizations. Admission to the course is by application. Participants who attend all sessions will be awarded a Partnership Broker's Association certificate entitling them to become alumni of the Association and to apply for further professional development opportunities.Course fee and registration
Fee: $2,700 plus GST. The course fee includes tuition costs, background reading materials, copies of all the training materials, lunches and snacks. The fee does not include travel or accommodation. The fee will be payable with your application.
Optional 1:1 or small group coaching sessions: 3-sessions $750 (ex-GST)Feel free to contact me with any questions, or to discuss whether the Partnership Brokers Training is right for your needs. Feel free to contact me with any questions, or to discuss whether the Partnership Brokers Training is right for your needs. I am always happy to make time for a coffee and chat. email: admin@jsdaw.com
Participant feedback"The course gave me the tools, skills and frameworks to become a more confident, reflective and insightful partnership broker. Thank you for such great facilitation and support."
"My awareness of and understanding of partnership brokering have grown immensely... I am looking forward to working with partners... the innovative approaches to partnership building will be invaluable."
"I have been hugely impacted by this course. The ability to step back and look at all our external partnerships and consider how we can make more impact with each of them has been timely. It has also provided me with a framework to consider new partnerships."
Here what a participant of the course, Rich Whate, City of Toronto had to say about the course. https://youtu.be/nyeo8psNzRY
Who Has Created the Course? The Partnership Brokers Association is a global social enterprise established in 2003. It is the international professional body and training resource for those managing and developing partnership processes. PBA’s globally sought training is informed and regularly updated in consultation with international practitioners.
✦ Examples of Previous Attendees:
Corporate: Suncor Energy Foundation, Enbridge, Shell, Chevron, Royal Bank, Telus, Alberta Blue Cross, Air Canada, ENMAX, Imperial Oil, Epcor
Government: Government of Alberta,City of Calgary, City of Kelowna, City of Toronto, American State Department, Public Health Agency of Canada, City of Edmonton, Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Calgary Police Department
Nonprofits: Calgary Counselling Centre, United Way of Calgary and Area, Canadian and American Red Cross, Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations,Vantage Point, Calgary Public Library, Unison/Kerby Centre, QUEST
Public Funders/Foundations: The Atmospheric Fund, Calgary Foundation, Ottawa Community Foundation, Community Foundations of Canada, Alberta EcoTrust
Academic Institutions: Bow Valley College, Mount Royal University, University of Calgary, University of British Columbia, McMaster University
✦Additional and Customized Training
Takes your partnership skills to the next level. If you would like to learn about further training or a customized opportunity for your team to promote truly effective and potentially transformational partnering contact: jocelyne@jsdaw.com
✦ Partnership Course for Funders
This course is catered exclusively to funders and is designed to address their unique issues. As society’s challenges become more complex and interconnected, funders have increasingly sought to fund partnerships rather than single entity projects. The course explores the role donors can play in more effectively facilitating and supporting partnerships. Contact us for more information
✦ Inspirational Speaking
The founder of JS Daw & Associates, Jocelyne Daw, is available to speak at any function where the audience would benefit from hearing about the transformative power of partnerships. No longer just about achieving functional goals, organizations around the world are creating step-change advances in how they deal with community projects to make their world – locally and internationally – a better place. Speaking topics can be customized to meet the needs of your organization. Contact us for more information.
“Finally! A course that provides a proper framework and solid foundation for the work so many of us do on a day-to-day basis - build partnerships that matter and can lead to truly transformational change. Partnership Brokerage training encouraged me to be more intentional and focused about the relationships I’m exploring to form potential partnerships, and refreshingly confirmed that not every relationship has to be a partnership - and that’s okay. The training provided concrete tools for overcoming common partnering challenges; tools I’ve already started applying.”