How Constellation Goverance Powers Partnerships

Partnerships between organizations can be incredibly powerful tools for achieving shared goals, but they can also be challenging to manage. One critical aspect of a successful partnership is finding the right governance model that balances the needs and interests of all involved parties, is inclusive and flexible, and establishes clear lines of decision making and accountability.

While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to partnership governance, the Constellation model, a complexity-inspired governance framework can be successful applied to a partnership that is action oriented. The Constellation model brings together multiple groups or sectors to actively work towards a common goal, balancing order, systems, and accountability with opportunity, chaos, and entrepreneurship.

The model recognizes energy and respects how it flows within a group, supporting the tensions that arise when several groups come together. The action oriented framework allows for the emergence of new ideas, provides flexibility to respond to opportunities and needs while staying clear about the primary strategic work of the group.make all the difference.

The model recognizes energy and respects how it flows within a group, supporting the tensions that arise when several groups come together. The action oriented framework allows for the emergence of new ideas, provides flexibility to respond to opportunities and needs while staying clear about the primary strategic work of the group.

Leadership is valued within a broader context of collaboration, and the model privileges the 'initiative taker.' All types of leadership are valued and honored in this model, if they are consistent with the larger vision and goals of the group. Organizations preserve their autonomy while carrying out the group's shared goals, and groups work together to avoid duplication of efforts and competition for funding by coordinating resource procurement strategies.

The Constellation model comprises four main elements: Magnetic Attractor, Constellation or Action Team, Stewardship Group, and Secretariat. These elements work together to create a flexible and adaptable model that values self-interest, balanced with common interest or converging interests. The Magnetic Attractor represents an imminent threat or opportunity, bringing people together to collaborate.

Constellation Governance

Can work well for action oriented partnerships

People collaborating to address a defined issue related to one Magnetic Attractor work together in a Constellation or Action Team. These teams are self-directed but relate their work to a Magnetic Attractor. They may establish a Stewardship Group to enhance oversight or balance power. The Stewardship Group provides guidance, coordination, or oversight to one or more Action Teams and helps to balance power and ensure that all participants have a voice in decision-making.

Secretariat can also be included as an independent role or organization that maintains, helps administer and promotes the Constellation Model, supporting Action Teams and Stewardship Groups. The model is designed to be flexible and adaptable, allowing for shared voice and shared work and enabling groups to be flexible and capable of mobilizing quickly around issues and opportunities.

The Constellation model is a powerful framework for multi-organizational collaboration that provides a way for interested parties to work together towards a joint outcome without creating a new organization. The model values self-interest, balanced with common interest or converging interests, and honours leadership within the larger context of collaboration. While the model may not meet all the needs of all collaborative projects, it provides a framework for shared voice and shared work and enables groups to be flexible and capable of mobilizing quickly around issues and opportunities. The Constellation model offers a new way of thinking about how to work more effectively together to serve social change.