Anytime we undertake a partnership journey we need to remember that there’s always going to be challenges – some will be small annoyances and others just big messes. Little challenges, big challenges, they are inevitable – always!
Courageous Leadership: How’s Yours?
In our last partnership blog, we explored the three critical elements necessary to design and manage an effective partnership: Mindset, skillset and toolset. I want to add a fourth – COURAGE. Courage is an essential partnership element, and it is not about the absence of fear, it is about taking the action you need to take, even though you may be afraid and feel uncertain.
Effective Partnerships: Three Essential Elements
Community and Partnerships Through and Beyond Crisis
Things are inside-up and upside down right now that’s for sure! You may be reading this right now from the makeshift office you’ve set up in your living room. Or locked in your bedroom while your kids, or roommates, have taken over the kitchen table with their projects. We’re heard about people having Zoom meeting with someone working from inside a teepee, from pool side and even in the bathtub – video off (we hope)!
Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World
Maximizing Value in Partnerships
At JS Daw & Associates we live and breathe innovative partnerships – from the frameworks behind them, to the value and values that drive them. We are committed to sharing the latest resources and insights that will energize your collaborative efforts. Our purpose is to help you adapt, thrive and prepare for the collaborative future essential for sustainable, just and inclusive communities.
2019: Amplify Your Self-Knowledge
Partnerships Move at the Speed of Trust: One Thing That Changes EVERYTHING
Partnerships and Polarity Management
“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.” - F. Scott Fitzgerald.We all tend to see the difficulties we encounter at work and in life in general as problems we must solve. We come by this tendency honestly through formal education and through learned experience where we told to look for “the answer” to our problems.
Embracing Inherent Partnership Tensions
This past spring I participated in a conference on “Inherent Tensions in Networks”. The main theme was get comfortable with being uncomfortable when working in partnerships. When I work with partners I use a diversity of concepts and methods to support and enhance their work, including design and systems thinking and group dynamics. But “Polarity Thinking”, is one framework I use regularly. Like yin and yang, polarities are interdependent values that support each other.